
Wow! We’re back! One more year of intense learning ahead of us!

This year we have a big group so organization is essential to make things work. I’ve decided to highlight a few important things for you before we get the ball rolling…

1)  this is our blog. I’ll keep it updated with the most recent class activities, resources and news. Save it in your favorites. Trust me. You’ll keep going back to it all year long.

  • Home: essential resources to understand our class and the IB program. I also added links to the Study Log and the Turn it in form.
  • Blog: I’ll use the blog feature to communicate with you and share articles/videos and other resources I believe you might enjoy.
  • Videos: you can definitely watch these while reviewing concepts
  • Core/AHL/Options: resources organized by topics.
  • IA: rubrics used in your Internal Assessments and topics/deadlines
  • Calendar: where you can see our plans and get prepared.
  • Web 2.0 Tools: a very useful list of tools that can help you create amazing projects.
  • “Study Log”: you’ll complete this form twice a week to show me you’re studying, trying to understand difficult concepts or simply reviewing investigations or activities we did in class.
  • “Turn it in” forms: what you will complete everytime you submit a document or link to me (do not send me these by email. It’s very difficult to find things when you have 300 emails in your folder.).

2) we also have a facebook page you can Like to get constant updates: HERE

3) please complete this Google Form. I’d like to get all student information organized asap.

There is a lot more to come… stay tuned!